Scope 3: the excellence in CO2 calculation

3 years ago

The business goal of decarbonizing our economy is getting closer and closer.

With our sights set on 2030 and 2050, EccoNetwork has developed an avant-garde platform in the calculation and reduction of CO2 in international freight transportation, bringing us closer to the concept of Scope 3 in our carbon footprint and the importance of it.

Following the 2015 Paris Agreement, responsibility and commitment to the future of our planet have spread to all areas of society, and companies around the world have demonstrated their responsibility by leading strategies to achieve climate goals.

The concept of calculating the Carbon Footprint has permeated our daily lives and has set our business agenda, but are we being ambitious enough?

It is difficult for companies to stop climate change if they do not know to what extent they are responsible for it. To resolve this conflict, different methods were devised to measure the pollution we generate, at the beginning of this century, resulting in the Carbon Footprint calculation that we all know.

This calculation is divided into three scopes:

  • Scope 1: accounts for direct emissions from the company’s activity.
  • Scope 2: accounts for indirect emissions generated by the electricity consumed and purchased by the company.
  • Scope 3: Indirect emissions from the supply chain that are owned and controlled by an external agent, usually a supplier.

Controlling the environmental impact of our supply chain means not only the possibility of reducing this impact but also a huge competitive advantage, providing valuable information to increase efficiency and reduce costs.

Real sustainability in the supply chain: challenge and opportunity

The benefits of the Scope 3 calculation of the organization are endless:

  • Locate and analyze critical points in the supply chain.
  • Identify resource and energy risks.
  • Identify energy efficiency and cost reduction opportunities.
  • Identify which suppliers are responsible in terms of their sustainability performance and which are not.
  • Improve the energy efficiency of products.

To be able to carry out a correct calculation of this scope, companies need reliable and accurate tools, agile technologies that respond to their demand and allow them to develop these solutions simply.

Become a sustainability prescriber

With EccoNetwork all our members become sustainability prescribers, generating environmental consciousness and awareness in international freight transportation.

All the members have access to our pioneer digital platform to calculate and reduce CO2 emissions in freight transportation, providing sustainability and added value to the products of our members’ clients.

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